TV Show Knitting Daily – Portuguese Style – Episode 307

I will be on TV showing the Portuguese Style of Knitting! It was very fun to be on their studio along with the hostess and all the knitting garments you can think about it! The new Knitting Daily TV Series 300 starts airing this week on many public television stations and you have to check your local schedule: the episode is 307.  My “show” is not very long but it is a brief demonstration of the Knit stitch, Purl Stitch and Yarn over, all the skills you need to make cute baby booties which pattern will be free on their blog and website.

 Baby Bootie

I hope you watch it and write to me saying what you think. Plus, if this is your first time being exposed this style or if you know anything about the history of it, I appreciate you contact me as well.

4 thoughts on “TV Show Knitting Daily – Portuguese Style – Episode 307

  1. Dear Andrea,

    I just found in the Knitting Daily video list your TV episode on Portuguese Knitting. I read the article about you and your style of knitting in Piecework just a few weeks ago. I am very interested in the styles of knitting used in different cultures–I started out knitting German style, then learned American/English style but now knit in what is called Eastern Combined Uncrossed. I have had five hand surgeries & also have chronic pain so that is why I went to ECU style after reading an article in Interweave Knits several years ago about multicultural styles of knitting. I have a book called Knitting Around the World (put out by Threads magazine) that shows a Greek woman knitting in your style. I thought your Knitting Daily Episode was very good. The pictures in Piecework were good, but videos are better as they show the movement involved.

    I have some questions for you. I used to teach Spanish and taught the history of Spain and how the Iberian Peninsula was conquered by the Arabs and that much of Spanish culture is Arabic. Do the people in Spain use the Portuguese style of knitting too ? Also, when you knit Portuguese style and are making socks, do you use a circular needle? I love to knit socks, but the double-pointed needles (especially the small ones) are hard on my hands.

    Thank you for sharing your unique style of knitting. If you ever plan to do a workshop on Portuguese knitting in the southern California area, please let me know!


    • Dear Barbara,

      I am so glad you took the time to write to me and tell me about you and your teaching! I hope this style of knitting help your hands, but if you knit for too long without a break, no matter what style you use you will hurt yourself because knitting is a repetitive motion.
      I do have “Knitting Around the World” by Threads magazine too. As many other knitting books, it shows the picture and talks about the style but does not explain the technique. That’s exactly what I am trying to teach propagate around the world again.
      History however was not my strong subject in school. Only now as a adult I have learned to appreciate it! I am writing a book about the technique and I have a chapter that I dedicate to the history of the Portuguese Knitting. Sorry to say is a short chapter! To answer your question, no the Spaniards do not knit as the Portuguese. They hold one long straight needle under the left arm and maneuver the right one. Any piece of information you have about knitting history I would appreciate if you share with me.
      I proposed classes for TNNA show in Long Beach, CA in January. If I am accepted I will let you know.

      Thanks again,



  2. Querida Andrea,

    Gostaria de saber como posso conseguir este alfinete para tricotar, so consigo fazer trico com a la no pescoco e aqui na America nao sei se existe, estou tendo algumas dificuldades para aprender, alem de ser canhota, meu ingles nao e nada bom, sera que voce conhece brasileiros por essa redondeza que possam me ajudar? Vivo em Los Angeles. Estou fazendo do trico meu remedio para ansiedade e depressao, e realmente os resultados estao aparecendo. POR FAVOR ME AJUDE!!!!
    Um beijo no seu coracao!!!!


  3. I was in Flordia last week and saw your show. would love to learn your method. What is the best way for me to get started? I would be willing to buy books, DVD, and materials. Thank you for your time.


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